iPhone Jailbreaking 2G, 3G, 3G[S] and 3.1.3
Jailbreaking used to be pretty straight forward. There was 1 device, you could jailbreak it or not with the latest firmware and even if you couldn’t use the latest firmware you could always downgrade the firmware and re-jailbreak. Then the 3G[S] came out and the whole game changed. With the 3G[S] Apple introduced the ability […]
iPad – OS 3.2, Jailbreaking, What now?
This weekend Apple released the iPad and after hours of tweets proclaiming how awesome the device was, there were questions about if there was a jailbreak available, or when the jailbreak would be released. 1) There is no current jailbreak. But I saw a video that showed the iPad jailbroken! Yes, you did, but that […]