What. The. Fuck
California is in shambles. The budget is a mess and has been running a deficit ever since the “.com” bubble burst 2000ish, and unemployment is probably highest in the nation sitting somewhere around 14%. Now, what do our State ELECTED leaders feel a good thing to spend their time and OUR money on? Making the […]
P90X almost 2 weeks in
This Monday began my second week of P90X. I can handle the workouts for arms, chest, back, legs kenpo and even abs, but when it comes to Plyometrics and Yoga X it just kicks my ass leaving me gasping and trembling on the floor. It’s almost embarrassing to admit how much Yoga is kicking my […]
P90x Day 1
So tonight I started p90x. I am doing a modified version of the nutrition plan as it’s a tad extreme for me and with Brooke here part of the week I need the flexibiltity to make just about what ever I want. This morning I started out with a cheese omelet made with egg whites, […]
Christmas Lights Hero
House of Blues, Casino Night and Updating to Windows 7
On Thursday, October 22, 2009, most people know that Windows 7 officially launched. Yes, a large number of people have been using the beta or release candidates for the last few months ( or close to a year now ), but for the bulk of the population, this was their first shot at the new […]