iPad – OS 3.2, Jailbreaking, What now?
This weekend Apple released the iPad and after hours of tweets proclaiming how awesome the device was, there were questions about if there was a jailbreak available, or when the jailbreak would be released. 1) There is no current jailbreak. But I saw a video that showed the iPad jailbroken! Yes, you did, but that […]
P90X and Search Engine Hits
I’ve been watching the search engine hits over the last few weeks and more and more traffic is coming to my site because of my P90X progress posts. I love that 🙂 I’ve been seeing things like: – P90X Week 3 Yoga Still Hard – Is it Ok to be tired in week 3 of […]
P90X 4 Weeks of Progress & Day 29 of Pain
I’ve managed to stick with P90X so far through 4 weeks. Trust me, I’m as surprised as anyone reading this. I haven’t been able to stick with a workout routine for longer than 3 weeks since I got out of college. Something about P90X makes it pretty easy to stick with, even if the workouts […]
P90x – Recovery Week
I guess I had fooled myself when I first glanced at the P90x workbook. I expected weeks 1 – 3 to be rough, and they most certainly were. I’d seen the term “recovery week” and pictured a week of stretching and maybe some cardio, but nothing real hard right? Ha! Wrong. Monday was day 1 […]
P90x End of Week 3
I’ve now been on my P90X routine for 3 weeks. The first week I saw barely any progress, though every day after a workout I felt sore and stiff. Week 2 things started to change. My weight started to drop, my body fat too, and best of all, inches. That continued through my third week […]